Resources for Teaching CFLM Online
As we rise to the challenges of offering online learning opportunities to young children, it is important that we do it in ways that truly engage children and foster their development. Young children should not be expected to sit in front of a screen for long periods of time or to simply do drill and practice sheets. Towards the aim of a more blended learning approach, where activities off-screen are coupled with on-screen time, we are providing learning guardian notes for each unit. These can be shared with parents (or other caregivers and assistant teachers) as we partner with them to provide an active, inquiry-based approach for the young children in our care. Below are samples of resources that are included for each of our units that are included with your subscription to our P2S2 online platform.
Check out our Learning Guardian Notes that give guardians explicit instructions on how to support their child's learning at home throughout every unit! This link provides a sample of the notes for the 1st grade unit, The Double Decker Bus with a sample screenshot below.
Each of our Minilessons are now placed into colorful, editable Power Point slides so teachers can simply display each slide while meeting with students online at home. Here is a sample of the Minilesson number string for Day 6 of the 1st grade unit, The Double Decker Bus.
This section of the platform even offers free resources for learning guardians like the online, interactive Rekenrek.