Questioning has become one of the biggest challenges of teachers everywhere as they rise to the challenge of transforming their classrooms into communities of mathematicians. The CCSS Standards of Mathematical Practice require that children engage in problem solving with tenacity and confidence, use models as tools for thinking, and read and write viable arguments. This mandate demands that teachers foster a climate conducive to the generating of mathematics rather than the explanation of it.
This book sets the bar for providing suggestions on how to question and confer--how to teach and mentor young mathematicians in elementary classrooms. Written by a leading author in the field, the book describes characteristics of powerful conferrals, and shows how to make the moments matter. Developmental frameworks, ways of assessing in the moment, and tips on how to help children get started and overcome math anxiety are all described as well as several example conferrals. Video clips of the author and several exemplary teachers conferring with students are provided throughout as illustrations.